social media shorts


24 minutes in.
you keep saying that you value my call, but doubt creeps in.
i now want you to value my call above all others.


vladmir putin calls gay rights ‘fruitless’, revealing a fundamental misunderstanding.


i’m up in a mountain cottage overlooking an endless cloud-filled valley.

i walked into town yesterday and saw a man buying bottled water from a vending machine with a credit card.

today i’m staying on the porch, looking out over the clouds. probably tomorrow, too.


just out of ‘gatsby’ (based on the novel by nick carraway), a vulgarity that i enjoyed only (but a lot) for the vast number of things monogrammed ‘jg’.


dear the new york times,
despite their presence among your current five most-emailed articles, i’ll read neither ‘sucking your child’s pacifier clean has benefits’ nor ‘how a colonoscopy is like a home renovation’. imagination suffices.


mitt seems always verging on laughter or tears, without knowing which is which. like liza.


olympic athlete interview declension: ‘i did awesome. you did awesome. we did awesome. he/she did awesome. they did awesome.’


the current new yorker refers to the productions of sid and marty krofft as ‘junky vaudeville’, like that’s a bad thing, while over in the times, elmore leonard forbids ‘hooptedoodle’.

clearly, time to examine my life’s work.


lazy sunday piled up on the sofa with jb watching ‘grease’.

the entire faculty of rydell high is now dead.



enough time has elapsed for christopher hitchens to have disabused saint peter of his belief in heaven.


based on my preferences for ‘all about eve’ and ‘wallace and gromit’ netflix suggests ‘bleak house’; on reflection, a startlingly accurate synthesis.


stumbled into the ‘missoni for target’ madness yesterday. emerged with my self-respect and worldview in tatters. also with some tableware.


sharing a table at the mosque kitchen with malaysian medical students and discussing contemporary maggot therapy. over curry… the discussion, not the…. you get it.


laughing often. most recently at i entered ‘lolita’; their top suggestion? ‘living history’ by hilary rodham clinton. hiiiiilarity! hilarlita!


ann roth (79) in the sunday times: “i was going to a pilates class, but I found a beautiful bottle of Sancerre and I drank that instead.”

with age, wisdom.